ECE Graduate 2021 Virtual Yearbook and Virtual Graduation
It’s been a long year of remote/mixed learning and social distancing, but commencement is important to celebrate. So we asked ECE students to share memories and reflections from their Michigan experience to commemorate their achievement in their own way. See the “yearbook” of memories that we’ve compiled below.
Rucha Apte
“Amidst staying up late at the Duderstadt , completing the homeworks and projects just before the deadline and waiting for the Gradescope / Canvas to process it at 11.59 pm, I really enjoyed hanging out with my friends in North Campus, attending weekly EECS Coffee Hours, going for a walk in Central Campus and having lunch at the Pierpont Commons in between two classes. Grad school was full of hectic schedule, late nights, and early mornings; but U of M made everything worth it!”

Tamanna Bhatia

“Very grateful to the University of Michigan and the brilliant faculty!”
Firoz Borah
“To all those sleepless nights at Duderstadt. Danke Michigan!”
Xiuzhang Cai

“Michigan is not just a place where I learned knowledge, researched on intersting topic, and graduated, it is also where I met the one, got married and had my baby girl. Overwhelming happyness comes to my mind when thinking of the time in Michigan, which is one of my best memory and will never be forgotten.”
Jiajun Cao
“Go Blue!”
Maggie Chen
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
– A. A. Milne
Kai Cheng

“When I leave, a piece of me will never leave.”
Gavin Chensue

Sung Yul Chu
“Thank you for believing in me and supporting me. Thank you for your fundamental advice and guidance in doing research. You were always there when I needed your help.”

Saptadeep Debnath
“Onwards and upwards from here on. Proud Wolverine. Go Blue!”

Nathan Dvorak

Peihan Dou

“May the blue go with you!”
Runtian Gan

Luya Gao
“My favorite memory is walking past the bell tower after class.”
Zhewen Hu
“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”

Aman Kumar Jha

Puhua Jiang
“Go Forth and Change the World And Forever Go Blue!”

Anusha Kikkeri

Jaehyun Lee
“First of all, thank you to my loving family. And thank you to my parents and parents-in-law in Korea. Moreover, I appreciate my company (KEPCO) to support me in studying abroad. I have learned a lot about my major (power systems) from professors at the University of Michigan. What I learned will be a cornerstone for a better future in my life. I and my family had many wonderful memories of various activities, beautiful nature, and kind people in Michigan.”

Rufa Leninkumar
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
-Albert Einstein

Rundao Lu

“I want thanks for the tremendous support I got from my advisor Prof. Michael Flynn, the ECE department, all my friends in U of M, and my family over the past five years! “
Zhiyuan Lui

“St. Patrick’s Day”
Elsa Mary Mathew

Saakshi Narula
“At Michigan we celebrate all achievements, no matter how small.”

Siyu Niu

Favorite memory:
“Watching squirrels.”
Junkeun Park

“U of M let me see the new world.”
Yongbum Park
“I would like to thank my advisor Professor Guo for every help and support he provided for me to complete my degree.”
Sudharshna Radhakrishnan

Amogh Rane
“This day is only possible because of my parents, grandparents, brother and friends! Here’s to the future full of possibilities!”

Bowen Ren
“Thanks my research advisor, Leung Tsang, and all of my course instructors. I had a wonderful Master life in the University of Michigan! Thank you!”

Aaditi Saoji
“Thank you University of Michigan for providing me with this wonderful opportunity. As much as I am excited for the next phase in my career, I am going to miss this University, the amazing Professors with whom I got a chance to work with, so many various events organized for the students and this campus life. It was a great experience and thank you Michigan for making it that way!! Go Blue!!!”
“So many enjoyable and wonderful memories within a short period (and with a global pandemic at large).”

Mingshuo Shao
“My favorite memory: celebrating Apollo 50th anniversary in Michigan vs Notre Dame half-time show at the Big House.”
Abhinav Sharma

“You can either play with your life or let it play with you!!!”
Malvika Dayanand Shetty

Scott Smith
“I would like to extend a massive thank you to my parents for their love and support during my studies. They have always been there for me and pushed me to do my best. Thank you, and I love you both very much.”

Peter Son-Bell
“To Professors Wenhao Sun and Jeff Sakamoto, my study partners, my lab mates, and my family: thank you for all of your help and support.”
Nidhi Sridhar
“I am so incredibly grateful to UofM for challenging me, testing me and pushing me past my self-imposed limits. But above all, I am so thankful to UofM for giving me an incredible two years of learning and growing. I have never felt more excited or prepared to tackle the next phase of my life head-on!”

Rui Sun

“These two years would be the most special and memorable time in my life! Thank you to everyone I met at Umich!”
Zichun Tang

Mohammadreza Tavasoli

Nisarg Trivedi

“The Beginning @ ECE, UMich! 🙂”
Virtul Verma
Favorite memory:
“Watching Indian classical music being played in the atrium of EECS building for Diwali celebration, while sipping mango lassi.”

Boyu Wang

“I had a wonderful and memorable time at UofM!”
Guanru Wang

“You can never find a better bed than the chairs in EECS 2420.”
Ching-Cheng Yang

Mingqi Yao
“Great thanks to my advisor Johanna Mathieu, my committee members. Thanks support from my lovely family, my husband and parents! “
Michelle Yi
“I’m not afraid of life. I’m afraid of a life of regrets. A big thank you to all of my professors, GSIs, mentors, and friends. Your support and guidance throughout undergrad and grad school helped me graduate with no regrets. I look forward to the next chapter!”

Guoqin Yin
“Thanks for everything!”
Paul Young

Yang Yu

“See you again!”
Zihan Zhang

“Go Blue!”
Kaizhi Zheng
“Go blue forever!”
Tong Zhou

Yuqing Zhou
“Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.”
-Omar N. Bradley
Ziyue Zhou